Tags : Italy

It’s Never Too Late to Start Being Reasonable: How to

Introduction Trade secrets protection clauses are often embedded in distribution contracts over the sale of technical parts for the manufacturing industry. Such clauses ought to be carefully designed when products and materials will be exported to a foreign country.  Alongside the issue of protecting a company’s own confidential business information, the large scale distribution of […]Read More

Covid Could Expose a War of All against All: Can

On 30 September, 2020 the European Commission issued the 2020 Rule of Law Report which can be summarized in the words of the President von der Leyen “The rule of law helps protect people from the rule of the powerful. It is the guarantor of our most basic of every day rights and freedoms. It […]Read More

All belts lead to Rome: How mediation changed everything in

International trade is reeling from the shock of the Covid-19 pandemic. While it is hard to foresee the exact date when the world will (if ever) regain its pre-Covid condition, many business people are coping with the present restraints of our new normal. Wise entrepreneurs are aware of the importance of active listening while doing […]Read More

Italian Lease Agreements during the Covid-19 emergency period: When force

Commercial lease agreements have not been spared the knock-on effects of the pandemic. Since the lockdown began, one of the most important issues was to understand how to regulate commercial lease agreements and how to rebalance the tenant-landlord relationship during the epidemiological emergency. It seems intuitive that many tenants (traders or retailers) who entered into a […]Read More