Maurizio Gardenal

Maurizio Gardenal is a regular contributor to the NATO Defense College Foundation as editor of the column “Lawfare” and a member of its scientific committee.

India’s fastest ever trade deal and the war economy

On 18 February, 2022, India signed a comprehensive economic partnership agreement with the United Arab Emirates (CEPA). The deal – which came into force On 1 May – is India’s first free trade agreement with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and took less than three months to negotiate, making it the fastest agreement of its […]Read More

Covid Could Expose a War of All against All: Can

On 30 September, 2020 the European Commission issued the 2020 Rule of Law Report which can be summarized in the words of the President von der Leyen “The rule of law helps protect people from the rule of the powerful. It is the guarantor of our most basic of every day rights and freedoms. It […]Read More

The EU-China Investment Agreement: Reality or fiction?

On 30 December 2020, the EU announced that a new deal is being cut with China after many years of tough negotiations. It was defined as “the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment”. However, if you look hard enough you will discover that no such deal has actually been made yet. In fact, what has been […]Read More