Who are we?

The Swiss Chinese Law Review is the journal of the Swiss Chinese Law Association (SCLA).

The SCLR is a bilingual journal for European and Chinese lawyers and law scholars looking for first-hand information and networks in China and Europe. It is a forum for Asian and European legal academics and professionals to share analysis on matters of shared interest. It is published online and in print.

The journal is published bilingually in English and Mandarin Chinese to enable dialogue and mutual understanding between contributors in China and the English-speaking world. Contributors analyse current legal developments of relevance to law firms who work internationally in China and Europe. This covers a wide range of issues from trade and data protection, to alternative dispute resolution and legal services markets.

editorial team

Tianze Zhang

General Coordinator

Tianze Zhang, LLM, is a co-founder of the Swiss Chinese Law Association.

Jerry Guo

Chinese-Language Editor

Jerry Guo, LLM, is the editor of the Swiss Chinese Law Review.

Wei Jianan

Chinese-Language Editor

Wei Jianan, LLM, is an in-house legal counsel at Veolia.

David Dahlborn

English-Language Co-Editor

David Dahlborn, MA, is a History PhD student at the University of Cambridge.

Seungyeon Lee

Creative Designer

Seungyeon Lee, M.Phil., directs graphic design for the Swiss Chinese Law Review.

Min Xiao

General Secretary

Min Xiao, MA, MSc, is a senior account excecutive at IMS New Media Business Group.

office address

Rue Rodolphe-Toepffer 8, Geneva, Switzerland

How to contribute

Our journal aims to link up legal professionals and academics working in and between China and Europe. The journal will offer a platform for exchanging insights and connections.

As a contributor we hope to be able to introduce you to our international network of legal professionals and scholars with a shared interest in Swiss-Chinese relations and the law.

Draft articles for online publication are considered on a rolling basis.

Draft articles for print publication are considered according to calls for contributions.

To contribute a draft article, please follow our guidelines here.


For all advertising inquiries, please contact: journal@cnsla@org

Swiss Chinese Law Association

The Swiss Chinese Law Association (SCLA) is a Geneva-based, international lawyers’ association that promotes legal collaboration across China and European countries. It is a global voice, a global community and a global vision for Chinese and Swiss lawyers.

By promoting exchange and dialogue on legal issues, SCLA promotes mutual understanding of procedures and decisions in China and Switzerland, based on the rule of law in both countries, with the aim of fostering shared peace and prosperity.

SCLA members are convinced that lawyers in Switzerland and in China should help governments and private entities overcome cultural differences, by working together, for instance on questions related to dispute settlements, trust, efficiency and transparency.